What to feed a mixed age flock

Binababy: You do not need to feed medicated feed after 8 weeks. They should have been exposed to and build up an immunity to coccidoius by that age. Most medicated feeds use amprolien, that is supposed to be safe for eating eggs. Check the tag to see what yours uses. If the RIRs haven't started laying yet just stop the medicated feed and enjoy the eggs when they come. They will lay what they will lay no matter what feed you use. There is nothing in layer to make them lay, just extra calcium for strong egg shells.
Well thank you very much, glad to hear this because the guy at the feed store told me to feed them starter til.they were 8-12months! I think I will just do the oats or black sunflower seed, scratch, grit, oyster shell and free range:)

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