What to feed to get Orange yolk

Protein and salmon aren’t going to turn the yolks orange, but the salmon will help add Omega-3s to your eggs. What turns yolks orange is xanthophylls, which spinach is fairly high in. Corn and most dark leafy greens are high in xanthophylls, but the best source for the darkest color, and what is most used in the commercial industry is crushed marigolds.
And marigolds are very easy to grow. I do not have a green thumb at all and grew these. They are french sparky marigolds.
Was the mouse even alive at that point? It looks completely limp.
By the time the chase was on I think it was already all over for the mouse. I have another video which fortunately I can't find where it gets repeatedly stabbed and another short clip where two of the chickens play tug-o-war with it.
I think it was the multiple stabs to its mid section that likely did for it.
By the time the chase was on I think it was already all over for the mouse. I have another video which fortunately I can't find where it gets repeatedly stabbed and another short clip where two of the chickens play tug-o-war with it.
I think it was the multiple stabs to its mid section that likely did for it.
Chickens are little savages, aren't they?
I already ran this experiment lol. A little out of order but you can see the progression from yellow to deep orange. Red pepper added to regular feed will do it.

Edited to add that the difference between the pale yellow and deep orange is about a week. You can change the color of their yolks really quickly. I don't think it matters what type of pepper you use- cayenne, paprika, etc as long as it's red.
@Halfpasthen approx how much cayenne/paprika do you add per 30lb bag? Those are pretty yolks!
I couldn't tell you per 30 lb bag but about 1tsp for every 1-2 cups of feed. If I'm adding pepper I will wet the feed to make it "stick". You can buy big bulk bags of cayenne/paprika.

I couldn't tell you per 30 lb bag but about 1tsp for every 1-2 cups of feed. If I'm adding pepper I will wet the feed to make it "stick". You can buy big bulk bags of cayenne/paprika.
Thank you!

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