What to feed to get Orange yolk

I always grow Marigolds, in pots, througout garden & near my blueberries. They're wonderful, bright, fragrant, View attachment 3043465hardy flowers. So, I've offered my flock Marigolds, fresh bloom as well as dried flower head & they ignore them. They will eat warm oatmeal, squash, cabbage, fresh chick weed growing, Watermelon, cantalope, tomato, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries & zucchini. But as far as Dandelion & Marigolds go...they're not interested. I'd have to mix the flowers with the oatmeal. I find it hard to believe my flock could be that picky about something, but they are. Any suggestions?
Mixing with oatmeal is what I do, They don't seem to eat the marigolds. But they gobble it up in the oats.
Have you ever seen them raid a nest of baby mice? That's brutal.
Yes I have it's hard to watch. They're more efficient than my cats at catching mice. We don't even get the frogmouth's coming anymore because the mice have all gone. Every time we get a giant spider (huntsman spider) in the house, the kids say mum there's a spider. I just say go get a chicken 🤣🤣
Hello everyone,
I been freeding my chickens 16% layer pellets for a year now, but I change their diet a couple of months ago with winter.
I fed them cooked salmon (from an out of business restaurant due to COVID) every week maybe twice if I have the time.
Then I fed them some canned spinach and mixed veggies from that restaurant, every other day, then I ran out.
Their eggs turn very orange then gone this month, I still do the salmon but getting low in stock.
That restaurant gave me a deal to buy off his stocked canned and frozen salmon so he could sell his business.
Now I want to get this orange yolks back and I want to do it in the least expensive way.
Yes I do free range in the summer and get light orange but this spring time, I want to make sure the chickens have enough to make those orange eggs again and want help if anyone could have a list of feed that I can mix up myself to get that dark orange again. My customers loved those orange yolks and with the yolks getting pale my customers are wondering if their still healthy.
I want to start feeding them 18% protein layer just to make sure they get enough protein and energy specially roaming around in the farm.

Adding cayenne pepper flakes into your chickens feed makes their yolks very dark orange. Cayenne pepper flakes are also very healthy for your chickens and since they can’t taste spice it’s a great additive
Ours is orange my hubby says. He's the cook.

Ours goes after the weeds outside the run. One flies over to get them and rest just stick out their head to get them. I do pull them out by hand on warm days to give them some. During the fall our neighbor tosses the birds greens from their vegetables from the garden.
Hello everyone,

I been freeding my chickens 16% layer pellets for a year now, but I change their diet a couple of months ago with winter.

I fed them cooked salmon (from an out of business restaurant due to COVID) every week maybe twice if I have the time.

Then I fed them some canned spinach and mixed veggies from that restaurant, every other day, then I ran out.

Their eggs turn very orange then gone this month, I still do the salmon but getting low in stock.

That restaurant gave me a deal to buy off his stocked canned and frozen salmon so he could sell his business.

Now I want to get this orange yolks back and I want to do it in the least expensive way.

Yes I do free range in the summer and get light orange but this spring time, I want to make sure the chickens have enough to make those orange eggs again and want help if anyone could have a list of feed that I can mix up myself to get that dark orange again. My customers loved those orange yolks and with the yolks getting pale my customers are wondering if their still healthy.

I want to start feeding them 18% protein layer just to make sure they get enough protein and energy specially roaming around in the farm.


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