what to plant for chickens?


9 Years
Mar 1, 2010
We're thinking of planting something in big flower pots to put in the run for the chickens to pick through, but what should we plant? I've got all sorts of empty plant pots, I could plant a bunch of stuff and rotate them. Any suggestions?
Dark leafy greens, like Swiss chard, kale, collards, spinach and leaf lettuce. Grasses like wheat, oat, buckwheat or flax. Even lawn grass. Legumes like alfalfa and clover. A cherry tomato that you could pick tomatoes from and toss in the run.
My girls love collards and corn, tomatoes, cabbage etc, all from the garden!! I even planted some sunflowers which they were wild for :eek:) Happy planting!!
I have been thinking about planting a small patch of Sorghum-Sudangrass. It grows like crazy, makes a lot of feed and I read that birds and assorted wildlife really like the seeds when it comes to maturity.

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Turnips are great! you plant them the chickens eat the tops then they grow back and last all summer and then in the fall you harvest them and feed them to other livestock. This works best if you rotate your birds to give the turnips a chance to revegitate.

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