What to use for a chicken run COVER?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 30, 2011
New London, WI
My Ameracauna rooster Steve loves to fly up over my six foot high pen in order to terrorize Bob, the handsome new SL Wyandotte cockerel (little does Steve know that Bob will soon outweigh him in the extreme). What do you all use specifically to cover your runs and prevent flying predators, hawklike and otherwise? Is there a mesh-like screen that you suggest? I'd like not to have to someday dub my Wyandotte guy "One-eyed Bob" due to Steve's jealousy.

I use a dog kennel as well, but I love your version of the cover. How do you have the pvc attached to the top of the kennel? I'm gonna revamp all 3 of mine!"

We used brace rail clamps, found in the chain link section at our local Lowes. They're only $1.68 each (although I also bought bolts that were a bit longer, also found in the chain link section in packs of 10):


Attach the clamps, slip in the 3/4" pipe, tighten the bolts. We placed the 3/4" PVC pipe at 3 foot lengths, then ran 36" wide hardware cloth over each and attached this to the pipe with zip ties.


Hope this helps...

I have 2 10x10 chainlink dog kennels. Over both of them is heavy-duty woven (not welded, which is less strong) 2x2 fencing, which is wired on securely.

You can see the overlapping wire here.


Over that, on one of the runs, is a pitched roof made of tarp (sold for 10x10 kennels).

We first put welded wire as the roof, but I wanted the chickens to use the run all year round, so we put up corrugated steel roof. Hubby covered the sides with plastic, so the snow doesn't blow in.

Here's a photo

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You can use just about anything if you only want it as a barrier for birds. Since you live in heavy snow country, you've got two choices in style. You have to use something with really large holes that won't collect snow or you have to build a support structure that will hold up to the snow load.

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