What treat did your chickies get today?

Since mine can not free range they get an arm load of pulled up mustard or tendergreens. As a treat they got cooked cabbage and some cornbread. A friend brought me some rice for tomorrow. Gloria Jean
hey crazyhen I'm across the mountains in Burnsville.
The school across the street gave me over 100 egg and cheese burritos.

My chickens didn't go to be hungry tonight... I won't need to feed them all weekend.
My ladies got "clean out the fridge day" treats. Chicken noodle soup (more like stew the noodles absorbed all of the broth) peas, trimmings from the veggies that made up my salad last night. I was a bit worried actually, because I had left it all out in their bucket overnight before taking it out to them. The chicken from the soup won't make them sick right? I've been told that they can eat pretty much anything - even stuff gone past the point where we would eat it. I also know folks who let their chickens rummage through their compost bins. That stuff has to be WAY scarier than chicken soup that was on the counter overnight.


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