What treat did your chickies get today?

They got some warmed up leftover 12 grain cereal this morning, and they were still squawking up a storm so they just got some leftover plain rice heated up with a handful of extremely freezer-dried tiny pink shrimp I came across while making dinner last night. It's been well below freezing and snowy the last couple of days and they're getting kind of cranky about being "cooped up". :p
I need to get some more sunflower seeds, and just grow out a number of sunflowers to keep us in sunflower seeds for awhile...but all my chickens have been getting as treats are lentil sprouts and bits of eggplant and stuff such as that. I feel like I was feeding them too much junkfood bread and scratch...we processed one older hen and she was mostly fat...I didn't know anything about chickens really...But now I know and have adjusted accordingly. I just knew that chickens loved scratch and I liked watching them eat it...but we are going on a couple of days with no scratch at all. So that is better for them. If I give them any at all it is in the early morning and just a little bit...I was giving them way way too much before. We went through 25 lbs of scratch before we went through 25 lbs of food...so that should have been a sign to me...
gave my new silkies some popcorn yesterday on the way home from CT and today i gave them a grape and they attacked it like it was alive. it was fun watching them

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