What treat did your chickies get today?

Mine got the tops and the trimmings from the Halloween pumpkins and turnips, mustard and kale from the garden trimmings from the broccoli. I also feed them oats and sunflower seeds.I feel like the pied piper. If the chickens see me or even hear my voice they come running because they know I have some goodies. After they have been out foraging all I have to do is walk to the run calling them and the charge in to see what I have for them. Usually they see me coming and meet me.
I appreciate the info on here. My girls have never had so many great treats. Problem is I have 60 of them , so on some things it is first come, first served! They sure do look for me and get all excited!
ALL OF THE TREATS, EVERYWHERE!!!! Sorry girls just came home after 7 months away, they are getting egg, oatmeal, scratch, meal worms, pomegranate, pumpkin, carrot juice, Greek yoghourt, and what ever else I can get my hands on.
x2 on the info. Mine have been getting everything but the kitchen sink since reading this thread.
Today my girls and guy got hard boiled eggs and pomegranate. I threw a banana in there but no one seemed to like it. Needless to say I don't think I will try that unless they are super ripe being the peel was still a little crisp. The last few days they have had spaghetti noodles, tuna with some super smashed egg shell, apple, cabbage, boss, meal worms, crickets (whenever we find one it instantly has a death sentence), they pumpkin didn't go over well so it was out, just pretty much whatever I have extra laying around that is healthy. I have had them for only a few days now and I almost get attacked every time I have food with me! I think I will give them some more boss and maybe some cat food, string cheese...

Has anyone ever tried craisens (dried cranberries)?
Today my girls and guy got hard boiled eggs and pomegranate. I threw a banana in there but no one seemed to like it. Needless to say I don't think I will try that unless they are super ripe being the peel was still a little crisp. The last few days they have had spaghetti noodles, tuna with some super smashed egg shell, apple, cabbage, boss, meal worms, crickets (whenever we find one it instantly has a death sentence), they pumpkin didn't go over well so it was out, just pretty much whatever I have extra laying around that is healthy. I have had them for only a few days now and I almost get attacked every time I have food with me! I think I will give them some more boss and maybe some cat food, string cheese...

Has anyone ever tried craisens (dried cranberries)?

I think there is sugar in them, if you can find it without that would be better I think.

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