What treat did your chickies get today?

Since we have a garden I will feed my chicks lettuce. They shred it apart almost instantly. I also give them clover (not as much now because it's harder to find mixed in with the grass). Then the normal scratch treat.

I make sure I am out there with them (usually after work) with them and giving them treats every day for at least 30-40mins topping off their water, feeding them and making sure they have good company. They seem to be very people oriented and crave human attention.

The babies we had are all acting like pigeons now. They land all over me, arms, shoulder, head lol.. Hopefully when they are bigger they won't be doing this..
Our 5 year old gdaughter was over most of the day, so my chicks (1&2 month olds) got the royal treatment with yogurt once and warm oatmeal later. Put my foot down when she wanted to feed them apple slices. Told her chickens get belly aches just like we do

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