What treat did your chickies get today?

That is so funny. Mine did the same thing about 430. I was in the kitchen and looked outside there were four hens and a rooster out of of their fenced area. The wind had taken the gate and swung it open. Had to go chase chickens back into their area.
I have too many chickens to run down, so they can find their way home tonight. Thankfully, they escaped into our fenced backyard.
For the chicks in the cage and the banty with chicks - starter/grower soaked in homemade kefir.

For Sumo the CX rescue (I think that's what she is) - 1/3c layer soaked in homemade kefir.

For the main flock - layer pellet- kefir balls tossed in their yard.

I'd like to try kefir, due to having a lot of digestion problem. Any suggestions where to pick up kefir grains?
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