What treat did your chickies get today?

Leftover chicken and eye of round, boiled potatoes and carrots, spinach, BOSS, and late dandelion and wild spinach leaves. Actually they had the whole wild spinach plant. They adore it!
From what I understand, potato is okay as long as its not green. Being cooked aids digestion. Do not feed the leaves of tomato or potato because, yes, they are in the nightshade family and poisonous. I zap my peels for a bit in the microwave because my hens prefer cooked potato to raw.
Grapes, whole kernel corn, cucumber sliced in half and cantaloupe slices. The guineas get white millet in the evening. The d'Uccles get minced boiled egg a couple of days a week. Everybody gets hot dog pieces once or twice a week. They liked left over green beans yesterday. In winter they love hot oatmeal.

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