What treat did your chickies get today?

I have an arrangement with a local grocery store and to take away some of their day old and/or expired produce, bread and sometimes dairy before it goes in the dumpster...

Yesterday they had all this yogurt available so I grabbed it as my birds love yogurt...

Klyra, my girls have tried yogirt and ran around wiping their beaks off. I don't use dairy myself so will probably try to give them probiotics another way. It is in their food so maybe that will be enough.
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Refrigorator cleanout day! The girls got some cucumber,mushrooms,carrots, coleslaw, potatoes/onion gravy,and eggsalad. They're not sure about the carrots (raw organic baby carrots that had sprung roots!) but they are playing with them, so it will at least keep them entertained!
I'm envious of all you guys who can get expired produce from your grocers. All my neighborhood grocers are from national chains. They don't give away anything. If it's spoiled, it goes back to the warehouse to be measured, weighed and disposed of according to corporate rules. Produce gets composted. What happens to the compost? Haven't a clue. Meat and fish gets rendered. Into glue, I suppose. Dairy and eggs aren't even ours. The dairy and egg departments are owned by the providers. They dispose of all that stuff within their own organizations.

I asked the produce guy, while he was tossing wilted lettuce and tired cukes if I could have it for my girls and the answer was a big fat NO. It goes back to corporate.
I'm envious of all you guys who can get expired produce from your grocers. All my neighborhood grocers are from national chains. They don't give away anything. If it's spoiled, it goes back to the warehouse to be measured, weighed and disposed of according to corporate rules. Produce gets composted. What happens to the compost? Haven't a clue. Meat and fish gets rendered. Into glue, I suppose. Dairy and eggs aren't even ours. The dairy and egg departments are owned by the providers. They dispose of all that stuff within their own organizations.

I asked the produce guy, while he was tossing wilted lettuce and tired cukes if I could have it for my girls and the answer was a big fat NO. It goes back to corporate.

Yeah most big national chains have very strict rules, and won't event talk to you about freebies... But, there are some exceptions to the rule, I have found smaller chains or ma/pa stores to be much more friendly and willing to talk to you, especially if you present that you are willing to sign a 'for my chickens only and not for human consumption' agreement with them... Some small grocery stores are just happy to save the dumpster space and see the stuff get used...
went to the local grocery store today and got a box full of "junk produce " as they call it for my girls they had tomatoes nectarines cantaloup cauliflower and a bag of half frozen oranges! the girls loved it ad there were so many oranges and melon that the goats got to enjoy it as well!

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