What treat did your chickies get today?

Hotdog buns---I know, bread isn't that great for them, but the goats ate most of it, apples, orange, grapefruit, pineapple (all cut up), broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, left over french fries, and a hunk of pork loin.
Living in South Florida, I have a LOT of tropical fruit. So much that My family and I can't eat all of it.. So, my chickens get a LOT! Papaya is their frequent treat.. especially when the woodpeckers have already picked it open on the tree and the fly larvae are hatching. They LOVE to eat the maggots and the seeds. Bananas they will eat, but not as much gusto. The other treat they like is crickets that I buy from the bait and tackle.. 100 for 2.00 and it's worth the 2.00 to watch my girls hopping and running to catch them. More entertaining than a movie..lol.
Whole grain pasta is a good snack too. Not too much , a few elbow noodles each seems to be enough in my mind. I worry it might gum up their crops.
......I give my girls a mix of rolled oats and BOSS on even days....on odd days, I give milo and alfalfa pellets mixed with hot water. Table scraps when available. Weeds when growing.
For some reason my girls will not eat warm oatmeal. I have tried and tried.

On cold days they get homemade dog food - turkey meat, lentils, rice and barley cooked.

Otherwise meal worms, and Boss and table scraps. - MY DH loves to take treats out to the girls when he gets home from work. Its his therapy. He talks to them.
Mine usually get birdseed as a treat, but they now pretty much think that it's their main feed so they won't be getting many treats except table scraps from now on. Plus we are spending way too much money on treats for them at the grocery store, so we will just switch them to a higher protein feed and they will need to get used to eating that and a few treats.
They got to go out and free range today after being cooped up or only in the run for the past month. They were doing the happy dance.

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