What treat did your chickies get today?

MINE GOT.... baked beans mac and cheese fresh made bread and what ever I put in the bowl yesterday LOL and fresh pine shaveings in the nesting boxes and straw with greens growing in the pen..... it will dry and I will put more in later.....
tomorrow they get ..... bannanas and left over beef and rice..... and what ever else I find...
I love
Some old fashioned oats and BOSS. They're on a diet since they OD'd on flock block over the weekend.
We had a bag of green beans that had been sitting in the fridge too long but were not moldy or rotten. So I chopped them up in the foodprocessor and offered them to my 6 week old chickens. They loved them. About 2 cups worth was probably gone within 10 minutes between the 14 of them.
1st some mashed taters, then they went crazy for a bowl of SNOW of all things.
I was watching them try to peck at the snow hanging off the roof of the run. They went wild over it. I just gave them the peelling from my pot roast veggies that I microwaved.
Just some wheat seeds. I had to have ds lure them to the other end of the coop with it so I could move their waterer in there-otherwise they try to squeeze out the gate and with the dog right there, it's not a safe thing for them to do. They never used to do that and I had to go in the run every day but for some reason, they do now. Luckily I don't have to go in the run much anymore.
I re-boiled the root veggies--red potatoes, carrots, and a green banana-- we had left after supper two nights ago, then added the yucky rice that's been in the canister outside since I found the pantry moths. I also crushed (recycled?) some eggshells, ground them fine in the coffee grinder, and added that powder. It was still a little too warm, so Helen squawked about it at first, so I divided it into three servings to cool and not have too much crowding.
A half-full Dutch oven was polished off nicely over the afternoon, so I feel I succeeded in my first Chickens' Stew since the unimaginative wet warmed feed + oatmeal sometime last year.
I gave them some leftover chicken speghetti during my lunch hour from work. When I got back to work I started thinking about that and wondering if it was just wrong to feed them some of their own. LOL. The girls I work with laughed.

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