What treat did your chickies get today?

Baked potatoes, they view me as their waiter.
Cooked oatmeal for my little mute new chickie, for the teenager chickens, ducks and turkeys bread, oatmeal, and lettuce. For the big chickens, ducks, and turkey, bologna, ham, and figs.
Well lets see.....today they got a little bit of everything.....Tuna mixed with cooked oatmeal, spinach, strawberry tops and some kiwi.
oh lets' see...today mine got some leftover wild rice, a couple of pieces of wheat bread that were toasted too much, hard boiled eggs, and pieces of my blueberry muffin. They also got some BOSS, mixed grains, and cracked corn that I used to lure them out into the front yard. Once they got out there and started diggin' in the piles of leaves they had WORMS and creepy crawlies galore!
Today, they got a bunch of old bread. As soon as I walked in the run one of my leghorns jumped up and grabbed on of the bags out of my hands and ran away with it. Silly little chicken.
I'm cleaning out my freezer, so my chickens got lots of goodies today. Green and wax beans, corn, squash, cabbage soup, lil smokies, meatballs, strawberries.tater tots, humm what else? I know there was more, just can't remember.
Yesterday I fed them a scrabled egg mixed in with some fresh ginger, ceyanne pepper and fresh garlic and this morning opened their coop to let them out and it smelled of garlic in their poop. Lol!
Today fresh broccili,cabbage and meal worms!

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