What treat did your chickies get today?

We have one of those special birds...today the rain scared her, so she hid in the coop(which she had NEVER been in before), where one of the big chickens is broody and sitting on duck eggs...and proceeded to half crawl under miss broody where she still was tonight. I'll evict her so she will eat tomorrow. This is the chick that can't walk, if she does she falls flat on her beak. She has to run in order to keep from falling, she's just front and top heavy, and derpy (she's a buff cochin frizzle banty so looks funny anyway).
I am so impressed with the variety of what everyone gives their chickens and they will eat it! Mine are kind of on the goofy side about liking stuff so I am still experimenting.

Today they got a whole loaf of 5-grain bakery Italian bread that I never got around to eating, some horse sweet feed (they love it better than scratch), stale Goldfish crackers (pizza flavored), a small handful of mealworms.

I made a cucumber salad tonight so tomorrow they will be getting the ends of several cucumbers...which I'll probably have to clean up out of their run later....
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I am so impressed with the variety of what everyone gives their chickens and they will eat it! Mine are kind of on the goofy side about liking stuff so I am still experimenting.

Today they got a whole loaf of 5-grain bakery Italian bread that I never got around to eating, some horse sweet feed (they love it better than scratch), stale Goldfish crackers (pizza flavored), a small handful of mealworms.

I made a cucumber salad tonight so tomorrow they will be getting the ends of several cucumbers...which I'll probably have to clean up out of their run later....

I swear my chickens only do it to keep the dogs or ducks from getting it. If one of the other animals so much as looks at it like they will eat it the chickens are all on top of it. I swear it's like a preschool toddler room in my backyard
My girls don't seem to like cucumbers, lettuce or tomatoes. Or parsley.
Mine love tomatoes and they like romaine lettuce but i don't give it to them except in the winter, mine free range and have acsess to just about any green thing they would like. never tried parsley or cucumbers, but my dad brought me some fresh raddishes with tops and they ate the tops.
I'm going to give that a try. I have radishes here, too.

Tonight my girls got a few leftover ichiban noodles which they loved. I also gave them the heel of a fresh loaf of homemade bread, also a hit.
My chickens love bread, so every eve. right before bed they get a little w/w bread, some will even jump into the air and take it out of my hand. It's so much fun to watch.
Today they got my broccoli plant... I was going past the coop to put it in the compost bin and thought I'd see if they liked it. And did they ever! Ate the root ball as well as the parts that had started to flower and every bit of those leaves! Who knew? Ha... Not me!

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