What turkey breed should I buy?


10 Years
Jan 8, 2010
East Texas
Let me start with I bought some broadbreasted white poults with the intention of putting them in the freezer. :/ Yeah not happening. These guys are just too sweet!

Are most turkeys like this? I know I can't keep these two alive as long term pets, nor for breeding obviously, but if other breeds are as friendly as these I would want long term turkeys!

I have a thing for white animals so I know that limits me to a few breeds. Are the white Hollands or midget whites any good?
We bought Midget White poults last year and I LOVED them. We raised them with 3 BBB. The MW's were probably even more friendly - just because they were quicker. They ended up being too much for our acre. Free ranging became out of the question since they moved really fast... in the road one minute, at the neighbor's the next.
So, I sold them and cried as they left. lol
@Ashleyfishy you will want them in the freezer once you start seeing how much food they will eat.
I have 2 BBB and they eat about as much as my 30 chickens. Maybe I am exaggerating a bit but they do eat a lot!

@simz how many turkeys did you have total?

The BBB are about 10 weeks old now. Ventured in 6 Royal Palm which are white feathered. Bout 2 weeks old now
@bustedchicks We started with 15 MW's and 8 BBB. We kept selling them off as they grew and had 6 MW's and 3 BBB. Finally, we thought we'd try to keep 3 MW's over the winter. They were only about 18-20 weeks when we sold them, though. My husband had to fish them off the coop roof each night to try to get them inside, too. So much personality! :)
@Ashleyfishy you will want them in the freezer once you start seeing how much food they will eat.
I have 2 BBB and they eat about as much as my 30 chickens. Maybe I am exaggerating a bit but they do eat a lot!

@simz how many turkeys did you have total?

The BBB are about 10 weeks old now. Ventured in 6 Royal Palm which are white feathered. Bout 2 weeks old now

Feed is not an issue.

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