What Type of Coturnix is This?


Thanks HopKat for my PFM ♥
Feb 22, 2022
Berkshire, England
My favourite bird I've owned was this very same colouring, and in each of my hatches from my own birds have resulted in one of those colours.



I am not sure the photos do it justice, but it is "similar" to the typical Japanese colouring but they're almost completely light grey, they look slightly brown just because they're lights are orange (sorry!). The older one has a pale-rust coloured chest but is a girl! I've always meant to ask if anyone knows but just forget as its not too important.
If they're grey rather than brown, I would say falb fee. That bird looks too pale and brown to be falb fee, though.
Yeah, the first picture really doesn't help explain their colour, I will have to try get a better one tomorrow. Falb fee's were what I was thinking beforehand but as you say these birds are very pale in comparison.
Ah. That looks like a silver, maybe SSC (Schofield Silver Collection). I love the silvers and keep a few around, but I've learned not to breed silver to silver. There's a lethal gene in that combo. If you're lucky, the bad ones don't hatch. If you're not, you have sick, blind, little albinos to cull.
Ah. That looks like a silver, maybe SSC (Schofield Silver Collection). I love the silvers and keep a few around, but I've learned not to breed silver to silver. There's a lethal gene in that combo. If you're lucky, the bad ones don't hatch. If you're not, you have sick, blind, little albinos to cull.
Amazing, thank you so much!! From searching I can say they look the same as the photos on Google!

That's a very good thing to note, thank you! Will make sure they can't breed for sure! Appreciate your help.
Amazing, thank you so much!! From searching I can say they look the same as the photos on Google!

That's a very good thing to note, thank you! Will make sure they can't breed for sure! Appreciate your help.
Breed them to other colours to your heart's content. Just don't breed silver to silver or Italian to Italian. :)
Yes the one is a silver from the ssc
The other “brown” one is an Egyptian
An Egyptian male with pharaoh hens is the most common sex-link combo
The brown one is exactly the same colour as mum, it's just a rubbish photo. But thank you for your help! Are SCC common in England do you know?

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