What was it like, when you were a kid?

I had a split childhood meaning I was in the country till I was 14 then moved to the city.
The country life:
getting up early in the morning, eating cereal (finding the way too cool toy in it)
going to my friend's house, who lived at least 1/2 mile away. Riding horses, catching crayfish, fishing (legally) in any pond or river, eating off fruit trees and generally doing whatever seemed interesting at the time. I only watched TV at night when the original Star Trek came on and believing that people from Battle Star Galactica would actually show up. When someone said the word Gang it meant a group of kids playing together (no guns or drugs were involved). Helping Mom to make biscuits from scratch, not whacking the counter to get a can open. Going to the movies required a car and lots of fresh air (drive in theaters). Helping my neighbors care for their animals (fell in love with chickens back then) and gardens and getting paid in knowledge and produce. Being rich made you the outsider. The elderly were seen as a great source of knowledge and not as a burden to be cursed at. And everyone watched out for everyone's kids even if they didn't have any of their own.

Then I moved to the city.
We weren't allowed to go outside without the parents (oh yes I had 2 parents). Going out to eat was a special event we did once a week (if then). Birthday parties were more about hanging with your friends to have fun and not the price tag of a gift. To see anything besides dogs and cats, we had to go to the zoo. I must say I'm NOT a city girl. School reports were done on paper and you used an encyclopedia to find the information. No one ever got killed over a pair of shoes. Teachers took you outside to learn about nature, not turn on the TV in the class room. I had P.E.!!
How fortunate for your Oma. The other advantage was that you didn't need to list all of your illnesses, operations and allergies. Your doctor knew all about you since he'd been with you your whole life. I saw my last "real doctor" in a small town in northern Illinois, circa 1980.

When I was little my mother always took me to the vet.. he WAS my regular doctor....

the only time i ever saw the "people" doctor was when he had to make that house call when I was 3 and when I needed shots for school.. everything else was handled by our veterinarian.

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