What was the name if your first broody girl?


10 Years
Jan 4, 2010
Bolivia N.C
I thought this would be sooo fun to read soo here goes mine are Catrena and Spazz (they went broody at the same time) a EE and a barred rock..
please post even you r 2nd a 3rd broody if you want!!!
My broodiest hen is a Silkie named Sammie...this is her 3rd time going broody and she's currently raising 7 babies. She first started sitting when she was only 7 months old, and now she's almost a year and a half.


My 2nd broody is a Buff Orpington named Ophelia. She's about 9 months old and raising a single hatchling right now. I haven't uploaded her pics from my phone yet.
My first broody was Bessie, a mottled Java.

My second broody was Yappy (does the egg for call for EVERY hen)...she was quiet for the next 2 months, it was a amazing!
Never name a chicken, you may have to eat it one day. Named chickens never taste good, ask me grand daughter. She hasn't eaten chicken in years at my house.
I used to say that, but i found that if i feel good about the way they lived, i can eat them whether or not they have a name - and if i give them a name, i feel like i treated them better while they were here. So i name them.

And my first two broodies who went broody together were Greta (Pearl) and Mathilde (battleax). Greta's babies are 8 weeks old, and she's broody again.

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