What was your free chick from Murray McMurray?

And here is a picture.
Ordered 25 Ameraucana / Easter Egger chicks from McMurray. Post office called me at 6:15 this morning to come pick them up. All happy & healthy!!

My mystery chick is a white crested black polish. I am wondering if they sent two mystery chicks though. I have 27 chicks total, but I should have only 26. Anyone ever gotten two mystery chicks with their 25 chick order? Or is the extra probably just an extra Easter Egger?

When I ordered in Feb they sent me an extra meatie and a mystery chick. It wad even listed on the lid. So maybe it's an extra Easter egger in case you lose one. I'm glad they all made it safely. Wrong had all 27 make it and I lost 3 by the 3rd day everyone else is doing great tho. ')

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