What WON'T your chickens eat?



Orneriness & Co.
Nov 9, 2019
Rim Country, Az
I'm no longer surprised with what chickens will eat, mine have eaten (with great relish) the usual oddities, lizards, bees, drywall, Styrofoam etc... now, I'm surprised with what they refuse to eat!
Green grapes (but red or purple are ok)
Bell peppers
And various other things I would consider to be A+ chicken chow.
They just stand in it and look disgusted.
What won't your chickens eat?
My older hens hate carrots. They won't touch them. Luckily, my younger chicks love them.
My chickens also hate banana. I always get a bunch of death glares when I bring banana to them.
My older hens also don't like pumpkin. I haven't fed any to my younger chicks yet, so I don't know how they feel about it.

Update: I brought some squash innards out to my chickens. The older girls reacted as expected (complete and utter disgust), and two of my four chicks hated it too. Only my cochin bantam pullet, and my EE cockerel liked the squash.
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I'm no longer surprised with what chickens will eat, mine have eaten (with great relish) the usual oddities, lizards, bees, drywall, Styrofoam etc... now, I'm surprised with what they refuse to eat!
Green grapes (but red or purple are ok)
Bell peppers
And various other things I would consider to be A+ chicken chow.
They just stand in it and look disgusted.
What won't your chickens eat?
Pears. Cooked peas. Squash seeds/innards.

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