What would be good to house with chickens to eat the grass?


9 Years
Dec 14, 2010
Seminole, Oklahoma
I had this plan last year to expand my chicken run. It was only 25x25 and the chickens kept the grass down pretty good. I thought, "If I fence in more area, they will keep that 'mowed' too". I fenced in a 5000 square foot area for them. I guess that is too big cause the grass is growing like crazy. Im looking to get something that can share an area with them that eats grass, and not a goat, too noisy. Mini horse, mini donkey, lamb, sheep...Which one is the quietest and will eat the most grass?
Uhh, hello---you just need more chickens!!!

Anyway, depends on what you're looking for. A pet? Something to butcher out later? Personally, I'm always looking for ways to get more meat so I'd put a lamb or even a calf out there (a calf you'd need a larger place eventually). I'm a horse person but detest mini horses, that could be a way for you to go if you're wanting a usuless pet lol.
A horse would be the most quiet. All the others you mention make a lot more noise. Their hooves will really muddy up the place they stay the most often (usually around the feeder) so be prepared for that one. I'm an old horse person too. I've had ponies, horses, and burros. The burro or @$$ is the loudest of all your choices! Once they get wound up, wow.
What about a llama? It could provide some predator protection as well. Look for rescue operations. My brother just got a mother and daughter pair for free from a rescue place. I believe they're silent and I don't think their big, padded feet (think of a camel) would dig up the ground the way horse and sheep hooves do.
Rabbits are what I use. They get along very well with the birds. Also, the dogs spend all day watching to make sure that they don't leave the pen. The bunnies know better

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