What would be your top pick for breeding?

How did you put the letters and stuff on the eggs?
Eggs stamps!!! From Etsy. They are awesome!
If you had to choose one breed to start off with for breeding to sell chicks and eggs what breed would be your first choice and why?! Feel free to add runner ups!
If eggs are what you want, I suggest Hy Line Brown hens. One of the most prolific laying hens available. Very hardy, quiet, extremely prolific layers. Check out their website. Fantastic poultry rearing information.
I raise/sell laying hens and these are the best selling hens, ever.
If you had to choose one breed to start off with for breeding to sell chicks and eggs what breed would be your first choice and why?! Feel free to add runner ups!
I live in zone 6, and Dominques, Plymouth Bard Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds seem to do well for me in this area. I've had them free range in temperatures that range from snow and ice to high 90's. They all seem to do exceptionally well and are very friendly. My 4 and 5-year-old sons love to go and pick them up and cuddle them. Even my Dominque roosters have been friendly, as long as there aren't too many of them (I learned that lesson the first time I bought a straight run). I hope this is helpful. Chickens are awesome and can be very therapeutic.

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