What would I get if I crossed...


7 Years
Jan 22, 2013
My neighbor gave me one of her roosters. It looks to be a black sex link roo. Huge.

Anyway, My existing flock of hens consists of red sex links, australorps, RIRs, and Easter eggers.
Anyone have similar crosses of the BSL roo to the above hens?

Very curious! Not sure if I'll hatch any or just see if anyone goes broody on me.
Any time you breed a crossbred, you will get inconsistent results
for instance a BSL rooster is barred, but only half his chicks will be.
since his father was red, the gold gene is going to show up in some of his offspring
that's just talking color - but type will also vary
you should at least get some good layers
and you must like variety, you'll have more of that.
- Walt

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