What would steal an egg AND a golf ball?

it might be to late in the year for snakes, but that is the only thing i have ever had to do the same thing, other than a kid, if it was a snake he ate his last one, he wont be back, keep us posted.
I still haven't discovered the culprit. However, I moved the nest boxes from the floor and mounted them on the wall and set up a rat trap(no takers yet) and several mouse traps. I don't like to think we have rats, but never say never. If anything happens I'll let you know. This might just go down as an Unsolved Mystery.
This spring I 'lost' two wooden eggs.. Found them later that week--they had been kicked out of the nest box and I found them about 6ft from the box under about 5" of shavings... check your floor...
Mine do the same every time and it is always the same nest box no matter how many times I put it back I got out the next day and itsa gone agin rolled clear acroos the coop or buryed in the shavings it is weird but check your shavings I bet you find both of them in there.

Good luck to you
I had a golf ball go missing from a nest box for ages, then one day it turned up bitten in half, only found one half though, then found a hole where mice ( or rats ) were getting in, so blocked up the holes with filler, so that could be whats getting into your coop.
I recently watched a TV show where a family was having all of their golf balls stolen from their yard. They set up a camera, and it turned out to be a fox. It didn't matter how many golf balls they put out everyday, the fox would come through and take them each night. If you had a fox it would probably be killing your chickens too though.

I also agree with the thought that it might be a packrat. I have had several of these, and they take very odd things. I once had some chicks disappear, and when I found the packrat's nest he had put all of the chicks' heads in one pile, and their bodies in another. It was really gross. To catch a packrat you can use a mouse trap, but use something shinny to lure them in, not cheese like with mice.

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