What would try to pull my hen's head off?


10 Years
Oct 19, 2009
In the middle of the day I heard a raucous ruckus and found one of my hens traumatized and injured. It looks as tho something tried to pull her head off! She was under my mobile home when the attack took place (I believe). She is missing feathers in a ring around her neck and had slight bleeding from her beak. This was a few weeks ago. She seems fine now, but I think the other chickens are aggravating the area...is this common? And what would have attacked her in broad daylight like that by the head??? I have no cats, dogs were in the house, and altho we have hawks, like I said I think she was under the house. Thanks for any suggestions.
I would say there is a good chance it was a raccoon.. If it happened during the day it was probably rabid.. But, don't worry, rabies don't effect chickens... Only reason I would think coon is because when i was a kid, we had geese.. One by one we would come out in the morning to find a dead goose.. It looked as if someone took a razor and cut the skin around the shoulders and pulled of off completely.. The neck was completely exposed... It was the strangest thing I'd ever seen.. Well, this happened night after night until we only had two geese left.. My dad FINALLY caught the coon in the act (or trying to) and shot it! The last two geese were fine after that..

Sounds like a hawk to me.They go for the head first. I think your hen made an escape and made it under your mobile home for safety. If it was a coon,I'm pretty sure the coon wouldve finished her off under the mobile home. the other chickens will pick on a sick or injured chicken in a heartbeat. I recommend you seperate her,apply regular neosporin to the wounds and wait until she completely heals before you let her back out with the others.

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