What would you do with extra tractors?

I would put them on craigslist like AHappychick said. Around here in Socal there are constantly people putting up "wanted postings" for those and hen houses on craigslist. Urban chickens are catching on. Maybe more so here with the November proposition that banned chickens in tiny factory cages.
yes yes, grrrrrrreat idea!! get more chickies!

This is a closeup of one of the first.


Here's the current "bird complex". There's another small one that DH calls a runabout that's sitting empty and not pictured here.


They are like Fort Knox. DH is amazing.
How wide are your garden rows?

The hens we raised from chicks knew exactly what to do with the digging without being taught. I feel bad for them now that they're cooped up in an enclosure for the winter. They did an amazing job in the field last summer and fall. Now they are left with mulching the pine shavings. I think they're going a little nuts.
If for some chance hubby decides to sell---you've already generated interest and curiousity factor would be HOW MUCH DOES HE WANT? Forget craig's list........we're your chickens friends!!
wow they are very nice I wish you were closer... I would certainly buy one
would save me the time of building them this spring, so many projects so little time....
actually where in mass are you? are you close to ny or really north? I am soooo bad but always love it when SO and I go on road trips lol!

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