What would you do?


Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
I ordered shipped eggs. It should have been 7 splash Cochins and 5 project eggs. Seller messed up and sent 3 splash and 9 project. She offered to make it right and send more splash but by the time they came my others would have been on day 10 of incubation so I asked if I could hold off and do it after this hatch. This hatch I am letting my broody raise them.

So if I have her ship them the day these are due to hatch they will be here 2 days later, But we would be going camping 2 days after the new ones "hatch day" so cutting it too close........... So I could have her ship them a week after so hatch day would be Aug 17...... I brood inside my coop so would it be too hot then to brood inside my coop???? If I wait and have her ship some in Sept when it is cooler then I am trying to find homes for any extras or roos in Oct/Nov time.... which I am afraid may be too hard to place at that time.....

I know shipping when hot is hard but she does use a cooling foam thing so the eggs stay a more steady temp. She used it last time and so far on day 7 I have 10/12 doing great, one was a dud and 1 I am not sure. so I think the foam thing worked to keep them a steady temp.
I would not want them hatching right before I head out of town. Too many things can go wrong. And I have brooded outside in hot weather without problem. If it gets do hot you are worried, you can bring them inside for a bit, maybe. And these are "make up" eggs, so you aren't really losing money, in a way.

Could you wait, maybe? Get a rain check from the seller until the weather and your schedule are more favorable?
I would not want them hatching right before I head out of town. Too many things can go wrong. And I have brooded outside in hot weather without problem. If it gets do hot you are worried, you can bring them inside for a bit, maybe. And these are "make up" eggs, so you aren't really losing money, in a way.

Could you wait, maybe? Get a rain check from the seller until the weather and your schedule are more favorable?
Ya I won't get them to hatch right before we camp. I would be too nervous.

How hot has it been when you brood in the coop? I am in MA so it doesn't get horrible but we can have days 90-100 but not the norm. Most are 85-90. My coop is well ventilated. My app says it is 83 out today and my coop says it is 78 in there.

I am sure she would wait but then I am worried about finding home for extras in Oct/Nov...
Ya I won't get them to hatch right before we camp. I would be too nervous.

How hot has it been when you brood in the coop? I am in MA so it doesn't get horrible but we can have days 90-100 but not the norm. Most are 85-90. My coop is well ventilated. My app says it is 83 out today and my coop says it is 78 in there.

I am sure she would wait but then I am worried about finding home for extras in Oct/Nov...
Well, since brooders are supposed to he set to 95°, you should be golden!

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