what would you put in a 1000 gallon tank?


11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
And no fish aren't the only option
. I would either start a jungle ecosystem with geckos and other lizards and on the bottom a river with stingrays, some cichlids, and some freshwater eels. Or I would do a saltwater tank where I would put tons of lionfish, damselfish, corals, clownfish (and their anemones
), some kind of tang (probably a blue tang), and a few angelfish. Now I want to hear you responses.
I had a river aquarium once that I miss... it was a nice setup.. bascially half fish half reptile... lots of rocks on one side which leads into a 'pond' where the fish swim... water would start ontop of the mountain, meander down a path to the pond past live plants etc... along the side of the river was lizard & turtle habitats..
I am a saltwater guru. I had oe for 5 yewars till my tank leaked and lost $2000+ in livestock. I will do it again when I get a newer tank. I had tangs, stingrays, clowns, puffers ETC..
i have been messing around with reef, predator, and colorful fish tanks since 2004. I have several setup up in local doctor offices in the area. my family and i have really enjoyed them.

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