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I just got packages
from coldupnorth and farmerChef!! Thank you and thank you!!

Got my nutrisystems again!!! PLUS GOODIES thank you!!!!!! :D

Ps Im down 4lbs;) in 10 days!!! Next weigh in..next Monday...hoping for another 4... The gym is kicking my butt!!, 30 minutes on elliptical and 45-60 on treadmill....i watch my iphone netflix and such...if I can zone out Im all good :D
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Got my nutrisystems again!!! PLUS GOODIES thank you!!!!!!

Ps Im down 4lbs;) in 10 days!!! Next weigh in..next Monday...hoping for another 4... The gym is kicking my butt!!, 30 minutes on elliptical and 45-60 on treadmill....i watch my iphone netflix and such...if I can zone out Im all good
Wow! Good for you! That is alot of minutes in the gym. The knee is good now, right?
Wow!  Good for you!  That is alot of minutes in the gym.  The knee is good now, right?

Yes thank you!! My acl is still torn off I refused surgery and did tons of PT and still am somewhat..to get ready for next softball season! Lol yah my problem with the gym is ...I hate it! Lol BUT I know ive had enough of gaining weight! So im in a contest with 500$ riding on the line!! Theres 25? Of us in it! Winner on the largest % lost ...Im all over it! I doubt Ill take 1st but top 3 would be nice and kicking the 22 yrs old butt in it too!!! Lol im competitive :p I refuse to age ...this year..haha
Thank you Corancher for volunteering to help me figure out what I owe to fellow swappers. I promise to make good on all my swaps. Thanks everyone for understanding.

Hope you get better SOON!!!!

This is the best medicine I could get, you all have made me feel so loved and not alone.


Jealous of all of you going to chicken shows/swaps, etc... ours isn't until May... sitting on hands VERY impatiently, lol=)

I found out today that some OE eggs I gave to a fellow ID BYCer hatched today (she put them under a broody silkie)... honestly, I'm amazed.... it was -20 last night....
yeah, she has them in a barn with a heat lamp, but for crying out loud, that's FREEZING!! I'm glad they hatched for her!!!
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