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I am in search of a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington rooster. If you have one or know someone that does, please PM me details. I am willing to pay reasonable price and shipping. My one and only Lemon Cuckoo rooster disappeared.
Oh no! Wish I had something to send you, but nothing like that here.
I got my eggs from Farmerchef today. Goodness at all the extras! Thank you so much!

I stopped in to see a friend of mine this morning, on my way to buy wood. He is getting out of the chicken business and I got 10 birds.... NICE BIRDS.... for..... 20.00! I almost wet my panties (we have been good friends for years, and he has moved to a subburb with the houses close together. people next door are not happy about his birds.)! I have to get in touch with his son to pick up another 6 later. Most all of them are OEGB's. Dear lord I am so tickled! I have been dancing all day! One of the OEGB splash hens laid me an egg as soon as she got here.
Feb 8th I pick up my 6 SFH's, 4 PBR's, and 3 Lav Orp's.

Sorry to babble on, but I am feeling so spiffy at the moment.
I got my eggs from Farmerchef today. Goodness at all the extras! Thank you so much!

I stopped in to see a friend of mine this morning, on my way to buy wood. He is getting out of the chicken business and I got 10 birds.... NICE BIRDS.... for..... 20.00! I almost wet my panties (we have been good friends for years, and he has moved to a subburb with the houses close together. people next door are not happy about his birds.)! I have to get in touch with his son to pick up another 6 later. Most all of them are OEGB's. Dear lord I am so tickled! I have been dancing all day! One of the OEGB splash hens laid me an egg as soon as she got here.
Feb 8th I pick up my 6 SFH's, 4 PBR's, and 3 Lav Orp's.

Sorry to babble on, but I am feeling so spiffy at the moment.
Yay! That is just awesome!
Okay - guess I know where I need to be!  T-shirt weather to me, right now would be above 0. 

Lol, we've unbeleivably cold here, too about 20 degrees below average, yesterday it was 20 and the sun was out and I walked out to check on everyone without my coat andthe sun felt sooo nice! But if it were july i'd be freezing, funny how we adjust!
Our weather cannot make up it's mind. One day it is 55 the next it is 25 or 30. Really screwy weather. Now we are getting a "winter storm" starting tonight, lasting through til tomorrow afternoon. I have always loved how mild TN weather is, but the flip flopping gets on my nerves.
I got my eggs from Farmerchef today. Goodness at all the extras! Thank you so much!

I stopped in to see a friend of mine this morning, on my way to buy wood. He is getting out of the chicken business and I got 10 birds.... NICE BIRDS.... for..... 20.00! I almost wet my panties (we have been good friends for years, and he has moved to a subburb with the houses close together. people next door are not happy about his birds.)! I have to get in touch with his son to pick up another 6 later. Most all of them are OEGB's. Dear lord I am so tickled! I have been dancing all day! One of the OEGB splash hens laid me an egg as soon as she got here.
Feb 8th I pick up my 6 SFH's, 4 PBR's, and 3 Lav Orp's.

Sorry to babble on, but I am feeling so spiffy at the moment
I am so jealous!!!!! I want more birds
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