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I have a bunch sitting on my counter - I figure if someone wants to hatch them, better than eating them.  I have been thinking about throwing them into the incubator, but wanted to see if someone had something to trade for them.  I am hatching tolbunts and I would rather have only one brooder going.  My husband gets a little annoyed when I have ten heat lamps going at the same time.:lau   Although I have had ducks and quail in the same brooder - during an emergency.  I am pretty sure the duck still has identity issues.

Quail do ok in with baby chickens if they go in the incubator around the same time. They have not been exposed to the danger stuff. The quail are a week old or so when the chickens hatch and are big enough to avoid the frisky chicks.
My chicks are due to hatch in 12 days. I could probably move them in together later. My husband is pretty tired of having chicks in the house. I have an unheated studio - basically a house but with no heat. I can brood them out there BUT it is like 3 degrees here so I am worried that even with a heat lamp it is risky. I would be worried that the lamp would go out and I wouldn't notice right away. So for the Tolbunts I can probably get away with having them in the basement - but I wouldn't want to push my luck brooding more than that. Besides, I have American Buff goslings coming in February and Ancona ducklings coming sometime soon as well. And, I am having a baby in the spring - lol. I probably will hatch some quail - just when it warms up a little.
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