What you think about homeschooling??

You would regret being homeschooled during High School for the rest of your life - Dont do it. Your only young once - you will miss so much by not attending high school
You would regret being homeschooled during High School for the rest of your life - Dont do it. Your only young once - you will miss so much by not attending high school
That depends on the individual. I would have thrived on homeschooling. I hated almost everything about high school. The exceptions were biology and one English class. The three boys I personally knew who were homeschooled and who graduated from Harvard do not regret missing out on high school one bit. I know because I asked then about it. My guess is that extroverts like high school much more than introverts do. I would have been much happier, and probably would have received a better education if I could have spent the four years I spent in high school holed up in the library from 8 to 3 each day instead of going to classes.
Homeschooling is NOT for everybody. You have to determine if you are able/capable of studying on your own, getting the work done on time, etc. By the time you reach high school you should be able to study on your own.

Someone mentioned missing out on high school. It will be different in the fact that you won't be sitting at a desk for 8-9 hours a day and you won't be hobnobbing with your friends all the time. Homeschool organizations are scattered throughout the states that you could join. They have ALL kinds of activities, sports, etc. The ones I have been acquainted with also have a junior/senior prom and a graduation ceremony.

Here are a couple of links you can go to on colleges and homeschool:




Here are some famous homeschoolers:
--Venus and Serena Williams
--Abraham Lincoln
--C.S. Lewis
--Andrew Carnegie
--Booker T. Washington
--Woodrow Wilson
--Frank Lloyd Wright

It is obvious from the previous posts you have a lot of people rooting for you. Just do your research and decide what is best for you.

Lisa :)
I was forced to home school my 2 Youngest when we moved here ( way out in BFE). I found it to have more pros than cons. We moved at the end of my youngest sophomore year. They finished that year at the school system they had been in the majority of their life. Only to get kicked out the following fall when we turned in a change of address. Dummy me assumed they would automatically get open enrollment. No they got the boot! Well I live were no school system wants to lay claims to what school you go to. Rather than fight all that I found a Virtual school that was wonderful! Computers were free and everything that went with it. No school fees no buses or worrying about teenagers driving to school, no drugs and at that time there was staff infection going around the schools here so I had no worry of that either! They would get up eat and were on their computers before lunch and off mostly in about 4 hours. My youngest did wonderful my oldest didn't do so well. Even tho we had a routine she managed to just sit there and do nothing. I did everything but her work for her and nothing motivated her. She is now working on her G.E.D. and my youngest graduated and they had one of the nicest graduation I have ever seen. Small I think it was a class of 93 but there was punch and cake afterwards!
So I guess after saying all that, it is really an individual choice. I will say I don't think my oldest would have graduated from a regular high school either. She had some issues before home schooling. But it did get her up to her senor year.
I am homeschooled, and it's been better for me. School caused anxiety for me and it permanently affected my life. Now that I'm homeschooled, no more panick attacks. One of the mothers let her kid go to school when he shouldn't have, and now I have a huge struggle with anxiety. Now that I'm homes hooked, there's no bullying, I still socialize just as much as public school kids. I can also focus more without other kids.
You would regret being homeschooled during High School for the rest of your life - Dont do it. Your only young once - you will miss so much by not attending high school
I'm pretty sure that if my parents had not of pulled me out of school when they did I would have killed myself. Some people just can't cope with the social pressures of high school. I happen to be one such person.
my kid went to public school in utah from k to 2nd grade. the teachers would mark some of his spelling as incorrect when it was correct and take points off. even at that young age he knew it wasnt right. i corrected the teacher's mistakes and even went in one day to talk to her about it. as i was walking in she was saying to him, "i dont know why i even look at your homework, your mommy will just get mad". and then she saw me. later, we moved back to san diego and he went to public school there. until sixth grade when i took him out. we lived in a decent area but kids were bussed in from other areas. the first day of sixth grade, the school went on lockdown because two girls beat another girls head into the concrete until she went unconscious. a month later, my kid was being bullied by one of these bussed in kids. i went to the school and the bully was throwing chairs in the office. i did have him arrested and his parents were not amenable to discussing the incidents. my kid would get stomach aches and throw up on a daily basis. i took him out and homeschooled for the rest of 6,7, and 8th grades. We moved to arizona after that and found a charter school where he tested into the 11th grade, went to school from nine to noon four days a week and graduated early. imho, public school is a disservice to kids with rare exceptions. in researching this subject on the net, i have seen that most kids cant pass a high school exit exam. i also see homeschool kids winning contests in science and spelling. im all for kids being toughed up, but the lack of discipline in the schools and at home that lead to daily physical violence is unacceptable. my grandchildren will never go to public school.
I went to private schools through grade 6, public schools from 7-11th and graduated a year early.
...private schools are better.
in thinking about this:
Originally Posted by wvtim

You would regret being homeschooled during High School for the rest of your life - Dont do it. Your only young once - you will miss so much by not attending high school
I'll just say that I'd rather have been home schooled. there was nothing about high school I would have missed at the time, and in retrospect, that's still true.
I think your HS experience depends a lot on the type of personality you have. it was a smallish school, only 90 in the graduating class, so you pretty much knew everyone. at the 20 yr HS reunion, I found the folks who were still living on their HS glories were also the ones with the most positive to say about their HS experience... and many of them had not really moved on to anything bigger than their HS hometown experience. they loved HS and kind of stayed there. all in all, those kids were the kind who were engaged by the HS system/process/experience (some sports, some social, some geeks, but nonetheless engaged.) they fit in the HS system well enough for it to work for them.
on the other hand, I was MASSIVELY bored, totally under-challenged, thouroughly bullied, had only a few friends, and didn't fit the process or the experience in any way. it wasn't a good social experience, educational experience, life-lesson experience.
this is not to say that the home enviornment would have been a LOT better, because my family is nuts, and I still wouldn't have had much social life... but at least I'd have gotten more challenge and a bit better education, and no bullying to go with it.

HS is not the same experience for everyone, some thrive in it, some do not. for me there was absolutely nothing there to miss.
I am a big fan of home schooling!! I did not read all the previous posts. But, I am so discouraged when I see the lack of knowledge in spelling and English grammar from young people. (Granted I am over 60 so "young" is anyone born after 1960!) The public schools here in our state are HORRIBLE!

But, in my opinion, home schooling should far exceed the education that is offered in the Public Schools. That means, hard work, self motivated students that LOVE to learn. Parents have to be involved, not just sitting the kids in front of the computer, or giving them stacks of boring worksheets. It is the parents reponsibility to educate their children, and to do so you have to KNOW the individual child. Some are able to do better in a home enviroment, others need to have more interaction with others.

There is usually a big difference in home schooled children and those attending public schools. I find home schoolers to be more mature for their ages, able to easily hold up their end of a conversation with adults. But I could be predudiced, since our schools here are so bad, the kids I meet are basically 'uneducated" and many are on drugs from an early age. So when making a comparison between the public and home schooled children, it is very easy to see the advantage of home schooling.

My husband is back at school, our local community college. The High School graduates these days barely read and write!
I wish my parents had thought of homeschooling. I really struggled to learn with the noise and distractions at school. A common sight was me reading with my fingers in my ears. I hated school. The bullying I could have avoided. The lifelong issues with my personal value would probably be less too. School was rough for me. I was so thankful when i hit college to find out it wasn't as bad. No one trying to knock me down steps, jamming my lockers, or just taunting. I homeschool my kids now and they love it. We do lots of activities for social too.

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