Whatcha think


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 10, 2007
Help me figure out which ones these are? I was suppose to get two Black frizzles (Frizz is frizzing) Lizz looks similar but I don't see the frizz yet. One blue silkie (Ash?) Two red silkies but looks like we just got one (Gabs?) We were suppose to get an amerecauna too?? But I can't tell. Any help guys and gals?? Mayor and Coconut I just can't tell??? Help me please!
Cute chicks! Lizz may not be a frizzle because when breeding frizzles, unless you're breeding a curly to a smooth feathered bird, there's only a 50-50 chance of getting a frizzle.
We were suppose to get
2 black frizzles
1 blue silkie
1 ameracuna (sp)
2 red silkies
But I don't think I got all these , did I?
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Looks to me that you got, instead of 2 black frizzle cochins, a black frizzle cochin and a blue cochin.
Ash is the blue silkie.
Gabs and coconut look like the red silkies, but I've NEVER known a silkie to have green legs.
I'd say Mayor is the EE.
I have 2 red silkies that are a couple weeks old now and they look a lot like Coconut.

Does Gabs have feathered legs? If not, you may have 2 EE's (some of mine didn't have to poofy faces)

I agree that Ash is the silkie. And that Mayor is an EE.

Frizz is obviously a Frizzle, (or really needs to find a new stylist!)

Lizz? I am not very up on the breeds I don't have, so...no clue
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