Whatdo you do with exess eggs?

We had ducks A few years ago. After we got rid of them I had my son clean their house out. He found 58 eggs that had been there for a while. He and his sister played baseball with them. Sick kids.
I give them to people that come to the house to visit or do work (always to my farrier and my veterinarian), to hosts/hostesses, to my kids for them to eat and to give to their friends, to my neighbors, and to the migrant farm worker outreach program for the families.
I don't know as I eat them all within a month and yes the flavor increases with time. The Jalepeno idea works very well. My friend was used vinager, salt Jalepeno juice and fresh garden pepers to make spicy pickled eggs. I like tangy eggs myself.. I thought it made them to hot for my taste. But he and his friends liked them.. They go well with homemade beer

I think in the old days they were put up for the winter months and served on bread and crackers. So I asume they would keep for a year

I know the Germans kept them on crock is a salt/vinager brine and these were kept in a root cellar type set up.

thanks for the info.
My husband is german and your comment got me to thinking that these would be a hit at our Octoberfest this year. I'm planning Brats, kraut, beer . . . and eggs? I think it works!
I made my own labels and thanks to the fact that my cousin owns a graphic design shop I was able to print them out and have them laminated. I use the plastic tri-fold cartons and if my "customers" return them to me I am able to sanitze and reuse the labels!

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