Whats a Staph Infection??

PLEASE DON'T USE THIS..... (no offense)...................it IS an antibiotic - FOR ANIMAL USE ONLY!!!! It's bactericidal - meaning it KILLS bacteria, which is an antibitoic. It also has a steriod in it. Here's a link to read more information:


***************The originial poster should see a doctor for a culture & sensitivity of the area. That will determine the best topical/by mouth treatment required to kill the bacteria.
YIKES! Ok - well basically I had a board come down and gouge out my ankle. I Had a bad scrape about 1 1/2 inches long and a half inchwide. It got YUCKY!

So I got a shot in the butt and a tube of ointment to apply before i wrap it in gauze.

I have a return appointment tomorrow at ten , so i guess ill lelt yall know how it goes.

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