Whats better, soy and corn free or organic?

Lazy J has already covered it, but since you asked me.

Corn is a cheap (I mentioned cheap?) nutritionally deficient feed ingredient which is valuable primarily as a source of carbs.

Having said that, carbs ARE important. and corn's nutritional deficiencies are pretty much across the board low on the things we first focus on, but they aren't shockingly low. Which is a polite way of saying inadequate but not grossly deficient.

Remember above when I said cheap? Many would assume I meant that in a bad way. But no, a bunch of cheap corn provides cost savings sufficient that you can add more expensive, more nutritionally dense ingredients to correct for corn's inadequacies, generally cheaper than if you tried to make a feed with less cheap, somewhat nutritionally better ingredients all around.

As a gross generalization, of course.
Thank you:)
Corn is fine as part of the ration. You wouldn't want it to be the one thing, or to be the major ingredient. I buy whole grains from the elevator and use a small amount of quinoa, 2 parts whole oats, 2 parts whole wheat, and 1 part corn. Corn is high in carbohydrates, but does have other nutrition so it rounds out the mix. I also add sunflower seeds in the winter.

Roundup is not used on wheat, oats, or corn where I live.

I also ferment the grains to destroy the anti-nutrients and make it easier to digest.

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