What's blooming at your place?

Thank you.

I am trying to grow more of each. 😳 They were super tiny when they arrived.
So far they are doing very well.

I need to lift and thin those really dark ones. There was a small patch in the shade when I bought the house 20 years ago. Now here are a about 80.
Stunning! I'm trying to convince my sister-in-law to let me help her thin hers out! Lolol
I like smaller flowers overall (no roses for me, unless they're miniature!) so we've got an assortment of smaller blooms.

(It was sunny out and my camera is a potato, so the photos look bleached out. :hmm)

Santa Barbara daisies and California poppies (I lived in CA most my life so these remind me of that):

Baby's Breath "Rosea" and Blue-Eyed Grass "Devon Skies":

Columbine "McKana Giant":

These pansies reseed themselves each year which I love; they were my great grandma’s favorite flower:

I inherited this dark peony when I bought my house. The lady’s daughters each took a huge price and were kind enough to leave me a chunk that I have been able to divide multiple times throughout the years:
Such pretty flowers!
The yellow poppies and the tiny blue flowers with orange centers certainly pop nicely!

Self seeders are nice to have. These camomile make me laugh. In the cool part of the day they fold their petals downward. They look THIRSTY that way. Once it warms up though they are like nickel sized daisies.
What is the light blue flowers at the top, a type of forget-me-not? We have darker blue ones that grow wild all over the place, I admit I can't bring myself to weed whack them because I think they're pretty in big clumps.
They are forget-me-nots.
They are slowly taking over my ditch and a small part of the yard. I absolutely love them! I refuse to weed whack them also.

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