I have a flock of 17. I have one roo and the rest are pullets. 5 are EE, 5 JG, and 6 Isa browns. They are 9 months old except the Isa browns which are 13 weeks. One of my JG has been missing feathers on her neck and above her tail feathers. I assumed it was from the roo over mating her but she is missing them on her belly also. So we check one of the others and it is also missing feathers on its belly. As they ruffled there feathers black feathers went flying. Also the ears and around the eye of the one is going from red to black. Maube molting? I thought they didn't molt until a year. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? I checked for mites and all of that but can find any sign of anything. The Isa browns are not missing feathers nor are the EE although I have been finding feathers from the EE here and there. Any info or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. smile.png