whats going on?


7 Years
Sep 16, 2012
del valle, tx
Whats wrong with my pullet?? Its not mucus

it seems to aggrevating her.. its not bumps either
I can't really make out what's in the picture, but is she having foam and bubbles in her eye? Or are we looking at her nostrils? Sorry, the picture just isn't showing up clearly for me :oops:
I can't really make out what's in the picture, but is she having foam and bubbles in her eye? Or are we looking at her nostrils? Sorry, the picture just isn't showing up clearly for me :oops:

no its her eye. Idk whats going on with it, its not foamy nor bubbly, its like discoloration but irritation too.
Could be that she has something stuck in it. You might try flushing it with a saline solution and see if that helps her. You could also try applying some terramycin or erythromycin to it, which would clear up an eye infection.

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