What's good names for new chicks!

We haven't named all of ours yet but so far we have:

Izzy (the roo)
Banty (the Buff Cochin bantam)
Chickpea (our white EE that looked exactly like a chickpea when she was a baby)
I just named my first hatched chick "Myra". The first roo that I get will be named Roofus. If I hatch another roo, his name will be Maynard.

I used to have a roo named Vernon.

One of my favorite EE girls name is "Amber Bock".
I have only named my buff orps:

Henny Penny
Big Bertha
Cheese puff

Our Buff Roo:

That is what all the kids yell at him when he is "mating" so now he answers to No-No....
We have:
Basil (EE)
Cricket (very chirpy SLW)
Opie (Black Australorp)
Lola (Dominique)
Che ( Campine)
Frida (EE/ Silkie Mix)
Nugget (Bantam mix)
Little Jerry Seinfeld (Black Cochin Frizzle)
Love the Amber Bock!!!!
We finally got all 6 of ours named, at 2 weeks old! It sounds like a southern church stitching bee, which is exactly what I wanted:

The light brahmas: Ophelia, Annabelle, Lydia, and Sally
The Buff Orps: Matilda and Gretchen

Not sure how I'm going to tell them apart once they outgrow the food coloring dots on their heads...
I started out with 15 babies and lost one. She was a GP Hamburg named Eva. RIP

I've named most of my girls from their countries of origin. In the last week I have devised ways to tell each apart:

I have 2 other GPH, Grete (small) and Philipa (large)

1 silver spangled hamburg, Lola (...Lola, she was a show girl, she had feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there...Barry Manilow)

2 Australorps: Wanda (more feathered out and more black), Sophie (still has some yellow baby fuzz and large white spots on her wings)

2 GP Wyandottes: Lillian (solid face color), Ruby (more facial markings)

2 Light Brahmas: Bertha (yellow down is now white, pale in coloring), her sister Snow (still pretty dark but getting lighter slowly)

Celina, a dark Brahma

My 2 bossy EEs, Esmerelda (paler in color and more facial markings) and Dulce (darker and no markings on her head)

2 Partridge Cochin: Meiko and Shiloh. These are the most difficult as their differences are few without actually picking them up and looking at them closely.

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