Whats happening?


5 Years
Oct 22, 2014
My hen hatched 14 chicks they all died in four weeks of coryza or microplasma she started laying in 1 week and layed seven eggs and went broody again is that okay. she usally lays 16 eggs I don't know what breed she is
If there is mycoplasma or coryza in your flock, your hen may be sick. In your other thread you said she was tired and having diarrhea. Have you treated for either of those diseases? Either of those is a chronic respiratory disease that will infect any chicks or birds that are hatched or come into your flock. Your whole flock can be carriers for life. In order to get rid of the disease completely, all birds would have to be culled, and after cleaning the coop and equipment, you can get new birds in a few weeks or months. Testing for what you have would be a good thing to do, just in case it is not MG or coryza. If you want to treat a sick chicken with those diseases, then Tylan is used for MG, and Sulfadimethoxine or Sulmet is freqently used to treat Coryza.
Where are you located? MG can be treated with tylosin (Tylan,) erythromycin, tetracyclines, and tiamulin (Denaguard,) Sulmet is a sulfa drug, and there are many sulfa drugs available worldwide.

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