What's in everyones brooders?

Brooder 1 (smalls) 3 EE, 3 Sexlinks, 2 Game bantams, a Welsummer and a Barneveldor
Brooder 2 (Littles) 2 cochin bantams, 5 marans, 3 GLW and 2 Runners!
with a seperator of course
Brooder 3 ~ Mossberg my Pekin
Brooder 4 ~ Lieu and Mufasa, also seperated.
About 60 Dominiques, fifteen project chicks (it's a secret!), a handful of Americaunas and MaransXs, one oops EE cockerel (but he's beautiful!!) and two Marans.

Next week... another batch of eggs due!
In my 4x10 brooder I have 9 Black Indian Runners, 15, Welsummers, and 10 Araucanas all around a week old. In my grow out pen in my barn I have 27 Delawares, 18 Welsummers, and 5 Araucanas all between 6-8 weeks old. I have in a seprate room 7 Sweetgrass Turkey poults that are 6 weeks old! They eat a lot of feed. About 50lbs a week between these.

to all the new eggs! Chicks are a wonderful thing!

Is that an old bbq trailer? How creative!!

that would b a little morbid!!
It's actually a trailer my Dad built (he passed away 2 yrs ago) to hook up to tractor to haul wood in to the house. It has been a wonderful brooder for my 29 peeps til they get their feathers in to b able to go out to the big girl coop! I'm sure my Dad is iin Heaven wathing me and shaking his head and rolling his eyes that his trailer is being used to hold chickens! And that we converted the smokehouse he built for the chicken coop!
Love u Dad!
We have
9 white orpingtons
4 buff orpingtons
9 EE's
2 D'uccles
2 cochins (i think) lol
3 old english bantams
4 or 5 that came out of the rare bin at our feed store
But all are going to the coops tomorrow as we killed our older chickens today.

We have 25 blue cochin chicks coming in a few days

And we have Lav. Amer., Lav. Orpingtons, Buff silkies and Black Copper Marans in the bator!!
We have been looking forward to getting our chicken coop up and running! Just got our coop, need to paint it still and put shingles on the roof, but it's coming along....
Got our chicks today at the local feed store. I really wanted an Araucana because of their beautiful eggs, but it wasn't meant to be. Here's what we got:
2 White Rocks; 3 Barred Rocks; 3 Buff Orpingtons. My daughters have named them Snowball, Sparkles, Rosa, Tiffany, Stephanie, Creampuff, Rose, and Stripey.........they will be loved for sure!!
Looking forward to chillin' with my peeps in the future!!
1 6-7 week speckled Sussex, 1 GLW, 1 D'Uccle Mille fleur, 1 frizzle cochin, and 1 EE. I put 1 water, 2 food containers, 2 logs, and 1 perch. Oh, let's not forget the 150 watt heat lamp in the corner.
Right now in a horse trough I have 2 Austra Whites, 2 Delaware new hampshire X, 2 brown leghorns and 2 polish. In a cage I have 3 barred rock mixes and 2 golden sebright cockrels.(anyone want a cuouple of sebright boys. 2 weeks ago we put 11 out in the coop. They are buff cochin bantams, silver penciled cochin bantam, EE's,white rocks,silver laced wyandotte cockrel,welsummer, and silkies

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