What's in the mix?

My up dated guess is the chick #1 is a EE (but could be anything really as it's BB Red, Partridge ect. in color) & #2 is the red sex links baby

The first rooster dose not look like an EE to me he looks like a pure bred wheaten Ameraucana

Here is a pic taken from the breed clubs website:
The 2 dark roos had their own harems following them around. The other guys were hanging out. No feathers on the feet so it's probably not the big cochin. I wonder if there is a chance for one of these babies to be a hen that will lay blue green eggs or even olive eggs if #1 an Ameraucana. He sure was handsome!Oh the fun of mixes!

The babies are changing even more now that I see the wing feathers. Little yellow has buff feathers with orange bars. Cute! I'll let them grow out more and post another pic.

Thank you for all the help!

Since the weather is about to change here I thought I'd go out an get some pictures of the babies. They have different combs, chipmunk one has a single comb and the yellow baby looks like it might have a pea comb.

Chipmunk - looks like it's a sparrow

yellow baby - very sweet and calm

They both came from medium brown eggs. No feathers on legs. 5 toes. yellow legs.
No, Wheatens require a red "triangle" of color on their secondary feathers, which he lacks, should have solid black beards with white base, which he lacks, and slate legs, which he lacks.

btw your new chipmunk baby is a boy.
I was afraid of that...not much comb yet, but he's got legs. Is that what you though too?

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