What's in the moat?

LIME !!!!!!!!!

....'gator...cougar....one way or another, the Farm Boy
got got....

Poor Farm Boy
It might have been a snake, Spook. Remember, last time they were there, one sized him up, must have decided he was too big or somethin'. Maybe its big brother or sister came along?

Last I heard, MFB was in hot water with the Queen... very much alive though...
They say that if you put a frog in a pot of water and slowly heat it up, it won't notice that it's too hot until it's too late . . . .
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MFB is fine. He's been working and playing. We've had a few calves drop, and we are really struggling to find time for anything other than work. I think this weekend we'll slip away and take Lily to the zoo.
Dear Em,

We've noticed that Terry has not been "allowed" online he
was captured and taken to Florida.

I would think it's more like MFB is waiting for a chance to
"slip away".

Almost as if he's being held for ransom... hence the saying
"a Queen's ransom...

Concerned Member of BYC

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