What's in the moat?

Oh Em, that'll be too messy. I say have fun with them! Take them fishing in the salt water moat . . .

. . . . . as bait! ! !

It's what I'd do.
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Em, JD gave me the recipes and encouraged me to eat the denizens of the moat. Use him for bait!!!!!!
, smelly guys are not good bait.
Those aren't catfish you're trying to catch. Exactly why do YOU want to catch the moat denizens? Want to try out those recipes you gave me?
Uh Sour, I didn't give you any recipes. I didn't say anything about catching them either. I said use the offenders as bait. You know these are Em's moats so I'll just let her take care of this. Now if it were my moats, I'd be introducing some people to the Kraken.

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