Whats the best chickens for eggs?

My RIR is 3 years, 3 months. She lays 2 days, takes a day off. Consistently, like clockwork. Her first 1 year she was 6 on, 1 off; her second year she was 4-5 on 1 off. Large brown eggs.

My Barred Rock is 1 year, 2 months. She lays 10-12 days in a row and then takes a day off. Large, almost extra large, brown eggs.

My Black Australorp is 1 year, 2 months. She lays 5-days in a row and takes a day off. Extra Large dark brown eggs that are almost all yolk.

My Buff Orpington is 1 year, 2 months. She lays 5-days in a row and takes a day off. Medium light brown to pink eggs.

I have a Production Red, a Light Brahma, and an Ameraucana all > 16 weeks and due to lay any day now. Interested in seeing how they will lay (expect the most out of the PR).

Hope that helps!
I have 2 Barred Rocks and 2 Black Sexlinks.

From the 17th of April through the 30th...they laid 42 eggs. That's an average of 3.2 eggs per day.

For the month of May they laid 119 eggs. That's an average of 3.82 eggs per day.

I have one Sexlink that lays and takes a break....lays and takes a break. Both Barred Rocks and the remaining Sexlink are egg laying machines. This is the beginning of their 3rd year in my flock.

Great birds, I would heartily reccomend either breed as a backyard chicken breed.

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My RIR is 3 years, 3 months.  She lays 2 days, takes a day off.  Consistently, like clockwork. Her first 1 year she was 6 on, 1 off; her second year she was 4-5 on 1 off.  Large brown eggs.

My Barred Rock is 1 year, 2 months.  She lays 10-12 days in a row and then takes a day off. Large, almost extra large, brown eggs.

My Black Australorp is 1 year, 2 months.  She lays 5-days in a row and takes a day off. Extra Large dark brown eggs that are almost all yolk.

My Buff Orpington is 1 year, 2 months.  She lays 5-days in a row and takes a day off. Medium light brown to pink eggs.

I have a Production Red, a Light Brahma, and an Ameraucana all > 16 weeks and due to lay any day now.  Interested in seeing how they will lay (expect the most out of the PR).

Hope that helps!

This right here is awesome information. Fantastic post.

You have the clutch cycle completely nailed for your flock, wonderful.

For some reason my iPad is not letting me give this post the Ovation that it so richly deserves.

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The only hen I have ever had to get egg bound was a golden sexlink who ended up with egg yolk peritonitis and had to be culled, my vet said they are the ones he sees with egg issues the most.
I have 8 Wyandottes, 3 golden laced, 3 silver laced and two blue laced, not only are they beautiful but they are also excellent layers, the eggs are magnificent and they are a very friendly breed. Fairly low maintenance and can handle cold weather very well. They are also a dual-purpose breed. I just love these girls :)

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