Whats the best chickens for eggs?

I'm in north Texas and we get a lot of sunshine. Maybe my experiences reflect that. I have Barred Rock, Australorpe, Delaware and Welsummer. All of these for two primary reasons: (1) they can handle high heat and (2) they lay often.
I consistently get 6 eggs a week from each breed. They free range on a heavily wooded acre and they also have free access to crumbles or pellets (depends on the going price). I put out calcium that they eat when they want and I worm twice a year.
I'm so accustomed to this that I get worried if a hen skips two days between lays.

PS The Welsummer shows effects of heat more than the others in deep summer
Easter eggers aren't a breed, they're a term, so I would keep them off the list specifically since there are so many different hybrids that qualify as EE, there is a lot of variation within the classification, as far as production.
I have some White leghorns but they haven't started laying yet so I can't exactly tell you their good layers although I expect them to lay well. My best layers are my Easter eggers, people say they are bad layers in winter but I can say no to that- mine laid ALL through winter and even when it snowed! My Barred rock and Rhode Island have been very faithful layers. Also black sex links (basically sex links) lay very well. My 5 1/2 year black sex link continues to lay an egg every day since I can remember.
My Jersey Gold is by far my best layer. She started laying at 7 months and she gives us 6 every week. They are big beautiful brown eggs. My second best layer is my Red Rock. She started laying at 9 months and gives me big beautiful brown speckled eggs. Both chickens are sex-linked.
Our buf orp Wilma Rudolf ( has always loved to run ) is 6 yrs. old and still gives us eggs, she's our oldest hen. Lacey our wyandotte is 5 and is still a good layer, but we don't keep a light on in the winter mo. nor do we heat the coop. We let them lay on their time schedule not ours and give them their winter break.

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