Whats the Best Goat Breed for Me?

pygmies are meat goats, and to show meat goats *shudders* you would have better chance with dairy to get something.

it really depends on what you want, if you get one goat you will need another one, they must always be in pairs or more!

we have 4 grade niggies (small dairy goats, cute little things) a alpine (super sweet for her breed) and a lamacha, all with their own likes and dislikes.

and with horses, not all of them like goats, ours are, eh, unsure about them (the big ones are, the minis are fine) not all horses will be okay with them.

and, if you get a buckling, will you be willing to (if he is not sold of course) send him to freezer camp?

oh if you are gonna show you will have to either A. get polled goats or b. disbud them, which is not pretty!

and that is just the top of the dirt, if i were you get books and read,read and read some more about goats and really think about what you are thinking of doing
Pygmies are very pretty and are NOT just meat goats!!
Yes pygmies are darling, I hear!
I found a nubian/toggenburg mix for sale on craigslist for $140, I know both breeds are amazing milkers, which I would love!
If you are getting them for dairy and companionship i suggest a Nigerian Dwarf, they are small and can produce up to a gallon of milk a day. They also dont need as high of a fence, thus being cheaper. They are kinda dog like, they pull carts, walk on leashes and will go on hikes with you. I suggest buying the book " The joy of keeping goats" by laura child, i got that to buy my goats and never had a second though about anything. Its not only about breeds but cheep barns, feed and everything

- Anna S.
Miss Heny, why do you think showing meat goats is so bad? My girls showed meat goats last year in showmanship, breed classes and obstacle course and they did fine. At least with our fair, you don't HAVE to show them as a meat project. You can also leave horns on them. Horns on meat goats are less likely to cause injury than dairy horns. Dairy horns tend to grow UP before back. Also, exhibitors in meat goats get to wear black pants instead of white which is really nice. Last year at fair it rained and white pants would have looked awful by showtime.

As far as selling extra milk, nearly every state has laws forbidding the sale of raw milk. There are loopholes such as herdshares and selling for pet consumption (I keep a couple of frozen quarts on hand for my friends with sheep) and also using the milk for soap or paint.

It may be best for you to start off with a wether or two (cheap, easily found, don't have to worry about estrus or rut, don't need grain).

Do research and spend time with different breeds. I have a bunch of different breeds and like each one for various reasons, don't really have a favorite.

Personally, I don't like Pygmies or Nigerian Dwarfs, but that's just me.

See if you can join your local goat 4-H, which will get you the education and hook you up with potential goats before buying. Our leader also lends his goats out to kids that don't have their own goats.

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